Corporate Social Responsibility
President´s letter
I am pleased to present our Corporate Social Responsibility Report, in its pages we summarize our principles and commitments to society and our team and environment.
Thanks to the unbeatable effort and commitment of our team, it has been possible to progress every day during the more than 30 years of our professional career.
Since its inception, Euroval has been developing to give character to an organization whose objective is and has always been to improve its internal processes in order to achieve excellence in quality with our clients and to strengthen the image of society as a solid, innovative and committed company.

“Definetily, we want to do things well and offer value-added solutions to our clients.”

Commitment to Society
Thanks to the unbeatable effort and commitment of our team, it has been possible to progress every day during the 28 years of our history.
Since its inception, Euroval has been developing to give character to an organization whose objective is and has always been to improve its internal processes in order to achieve excellence in quality with our clients and to strengthen the image of society as a solid, innovative and committed company. Definitely, we want to do things right and offer value-added solutions to our customers. We have remained faithful to our principles and with absolute independence, as an institution approved and supervised by the Bank of Spain since 1990. The company develops its appraisal real estate reports with transparency and traceability and is surrounded by qualified professionals in continuous training.
Our staff has signed and assumed a Code of Ethics and an Internal Code of Conduct, which guarantees our independence, objectivity and professionalism. The applied methodology is in line with European and international standards and has an experience of more than 1,000,000 reports made. A company’s values are the support important pillars for any organization. With them she defines herself, and they are the reflection of the people who are part of her. For Euroval, values define our identity as a company and are the driving force behind how we do our work every day. We believe that our success is a consequence of these, among which we highlight our professionalism, innovation, independence, trust, adaptability and commitment.
Every year we integrate young students in our company, through student internship programs, and we do it supported by different universities and national university foundations, in this way we try to promote the integration of young people in the working world. Every year the percentage of effective placement of these profiles increases, which motivates us to continue participating in this great experience. Our operating group is formed by Eurovaloraciones, S.A. as the main company of appraisal , and also includes the Institute of Real Estate Analysis, specialized in the research and development of mathematical-statistical models and information systems, aimed at the analysis, monitoring and projection of real estate information, which we update through our social networks and make available to all users.
We want to get closer to society and keep it informed, which is why we are present in different social networks:
Commitment to the client
Our priority is to satisfy the needs of our clients.
To do so, from any part of the organization we have a clear orientation towards the client, we offer them proven experience, a commitment to R+D+i, continuous training of the team together with the ethical behavior of our professionals. At Euroval we have a Quality Management System certified by AENOR which has been updated, through a process of continuous improvement, since its implementation in 1999 until today, in accordance with the UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2008 Standard. Through this system we confirm our commitment to seek the maximum satisfaction of our customers, covering their needs and with the firm conviction of working to exceed their expectations, as well as compliance with current legal regulations. Our concept of quality is not only shown in the procedures and requirements of the standard, but it is also integrated in our organization and in our work methodology.
In order to guarantee the maximum satisfaction of our clients, we involve all the members of the company, we carry out technical/operational audits, evaluation of appraisers, work committees by client, prioritizing at all times to improve the service provided. What we are most proud of is maintaining the trust of our clients through 100% loyalty of institutional clients and the increase of contracted services. Thanks to them, we grow with our customers every year.
To respond to the needs of our customers we have developed a web application Dwellings where users can make an appraisal online their Dwelling or request a real appraisal estate audited by an expert appraiserappraisal . At the same time, through our “Request a quote” section, the client can find out the price of appraisal his Dwelling or her product by simply filling out a brief form with the data of your real estate.

Commitment to employees
Euroval is made up of more than 400 professionals in the real estate appraisal sector.
Along with all types of assets throughout the country, graduates in a wide list of university careers mainly technical and more than 60 people in its central services, providing support and assistance to the entire national network. That is why our daily work aims to improve the quality of work with efficient management mechanisms, to support continuous training through the Internet and adapted technical courses and to ensure security and continuity in the company by trying to attract talent and motivating performance.
Aware of the importance of promoting the reconciliation of family and work life, Euroval supports a flexible policy, with a working day adapted to personal needs, which allows the team to improve its quality of work. We believe that these actions are necessary to motivate and maintain a uniform and solid workforce.
Communication, transparency and personalised treatment are brandof distinction, due to the importance of the people who make up any business organisation. We manage good customer service not only with the external customer, but also with the internal customer, copying healthy habits into our DNA and spreading them through all our channels.

Euroval Social Work
Euroval collaborates with the Rafiki Africa Charity Association, which offers aid to the most needy populations in Uganda, specifically in the districts of Sembabule and Hoima, helping to improve the standard of living in these districts by creating and maintaining water wells and schools. In addition, among its projects is the activation of direct aid such as microcredits or grants to economically develop these areas.